Saturday, September 25, 2010


I decided to write some information on my trip to Italy so I could remember it better and so if anyone was thinking about going to Southern Italy, they would have a little information. Please, keep in mind I am very tired as I am writing this so there may be a lot of grammatical errors. Over all, it was an amazing trip that got better as it went!

Day 1
Thursday September 16, 2010

The trip got off to a rocky start. We flew with the airline Alitalia. After waiting for 2 hours, the flight was finally boarded. My biggest concern was our connecting flight from Rome/Roma to Naples/Napoli. However since our flight took off late, the connecting flight was changed by about 4 hours. First I noticed was how uncomfortable the seats were. It was like sitting in a child’s plastic seat for a 9 hour overnight flight. Needless to say, I did not sleep. We were supposed to get a choice of chicken or fish but by the time they got to me I was stuck with disgusting reheated fish because there was not enough chicken. After making it to Rome, we sat at the air port the 4 hours waiting for our flight to Naples. Oddly, the plane we flew for out 35 minute ride to Naples was more comfortable.

Day 2
Friday September 17, 2010

When we arrived, our tour director, Monique, was waiting for us to board a bus with others that would be on our tour. My first thought when seeing Naples was, “I hope all of Italy isn’t like this”…very chaotic, polluted, and dirty. H2C hotel was a lovely little gem in Naples. I was relieved to drop off my things and apprehensive to go back out for a traditional Neapolitan pizza. I was pleasantly surprised! The restaurant was lovely. Bottles of wine adorned the walls which were also decorated with large paintings of Italian actors. WE could also clearly see the brick oven where the pizza was cooked because the kitchen was behind a glass wall. The pizza tasted awesome after the flight but I still preferred Chicago style pizza. There was less cheese and the crust was thinner and less well cooked than the pizza most of us are used to but still great! After the meal I had the opportunity to try Italian style coffee or espresso, as we would know it. The espresso was fabulously strong and rich. I must say after my trip to Italy, I am turned on to espresso.

Day 3
Saturday September 18, 2010

After a restless night and some jet lag, we woke up for a bus tour of Naples, a trip to the National Archaeological Museum, and the palace of Caserta on our way to Sorrento.

Hours in a museum will make anyone hungry so we stopped for lunch and a little outdoor restaurant that was only a short walk away where I was treated for the first time ever to insalata caprese and the best mozzarella I have ever tasted. It was so fresh that when pressed milk seeped out. Delicious!

We were then treated to the Palace of Caserta (, a magnificent, beautiful palace often compared to Versailles. That evening we arrived in Sorrento for a relaxing dinner at our lovely Hotel, Cesare Augusto.

Day 4
Sunday September 19, 2010

Fortunately, I had met a lovely couple from New York who were kind enough to give me Excedrin PM the night before and I woke feeling a little more normal than I had yet! This was a good day to feel normal because we took a ferry to my favorite part of the trip (other than Sorrento), the island of Capri ( Not only did we get to walk around lovely Capri and take the Funicular, but we also were treated to a small boat ride around the island. Why was this favorite part? Partially because of the shops and beauty of the island but, mainly, because there was something wonderful about it that I still can’t put my finger on. It was the way it felt, smelled, looked…everything!

That evening, back in Sorrento, my Gram was a little to tired to go out in search of a restaurant so I went with the couples from New York who found the most adorable little family restaurant. I have never been treated or greeted so warmly as at this little jewel of a restaurant which I will find out the name of from one of the people I went with because I, sorrowfully, can’t remember! This was and always will be the best bruschetta I have EVER had.

Day 5
Monday September 20, 2010

Day 5 was the day of my favorite historical visit, Pompeii. Truthfully, I did not recognize the magnitude in size of Pompeii until I was there. It was fabulous! I learned a lot and picked up a lovely little real cameo (one of the only ones I could afford). Apparently, we were extremely lucky because Vesuvius is only clearly visible about 4 days a month and this was one of them. On a side note, we did not experience a drop of rain and the weather was beautiful every day of our trip!

That evening we opted for an option excursion to a traditional Tarantella dinner where we ate and watched a lovely Italian musical/dance show.

Day 6
Tuesday September 21, 2010

I was very tired on day 6 for out little trip to the Amalfi coast. The best thing about the Amalfi coast was all the cute little stands on the roadside! This was a more relaxed day where we did the Amalfi coast and, after, browsed Sorrento’s many shops where I spent most of my money!

Day 7
Wednesday September 22, 2010

On our way to Rome, we stopped for a visit to Monte Cassino ( This was a lovely, gigantic monastery that we made a short visit into because it is still active and is closed at noon.

After arriving in Rome, we went to a lovely group dinner where I had the only meat in Italy that I liked! This was a very fun night with the tour group and a fabulous dinner. After dinner we saw Rome by night and enjoyed champagne outside Piazza San Pietro. I was surprised to say that Trevi fountain was swimming with people even at 11 at night. If you are planning to visit Rome, just be prepared to wade through people at many of the attractions.

Day 8
Thursday September 23, 2010

I was feeling a bit sad Thursday realizing that it was the last day of our trip but excited to see the coliseum, do some shopping in Rome, and have a fun dinner entertained by opera singers. Again, when you go to the coliseum, do expect hordes of people and tons of outside vendors. I was in awe at the sight of this world known historical landmark!

Day 9
Friday September 24, 2010

We woke at 6 A.M. to catch our flight at 10:30. Fortunately, the seats on this Alitalia plan were slightly more comfortable but I still did not nap. It was a 10 and a half hour flight back due to the headwinds and I was again, not impressed with the food but brought plenty of snacks. After a long, fabulous trip, it was nice to arrive in Chicago where everything was familiar and I could communicate again!

Personal notes about this trip
Gram and I were very lucky to have such wonderful people in our tour group. I met some great ones who I hope to keep in touch with for many years to come. Sorrento and Capri are definite return trips. I plan to go back as soon as I have money to travel again. Do not believe people when they tell you that everyone in Italy speaks English and you don’t need to learn it. They do not. Note that if you have a handicap, many places are not designed the way America is. There are many cobblestone streets and uneven terrains. Just be prepared for a good work out if you still want to visit. I spent a lot of time helping Gram with the walker and she had to stay behind a few times because she could not make it up or over or in someplace. However, some places like the coliseum do have elevators. Be sure you specify if you want American coffee over espresso and natural water rather than sparkling. Your main choices in soda will be coke, diet coke, orange soda, or lime soda. I did not see any Dr. Pepper! Bottom line, go to southern Italy if you have a chance! It’s worth it!